The implementation of Windows CE-based battery
Registry Settings
When the start time of the system, a device. exe is set according to the registry to find the base of the battery dynamic link library files, as the following example loads the dynamic link library file battdrvr. dll. registry settings determine the name of the resulting compiled dynamic link library start time, load sequence, the name of the prefix in the registry, power management iCLASS. These options are necessary, information can be added to the platform. reg to get to the battery charging and management. Dell Vostro 1700 Dell Vostro 2510 Battery
Based on the algorithm S3C2443 CPU power for sampling
S3C2443 detection can provide a 10-channel analog voltage, respectively, XP, XM, YP, YM, 5: 00 A] [. XP, XM, YP, YM battery for dell inspiron 9300 laptop four channels of data using the touch screen on the stack sampling, depending on the choice of hardware design [5: 00] one of the six channels for sampling battery voltage. S3C2443 offers four types of mode A / D conversion: conversion mode conversion in normal mode XY, in turn, X / Y auto-conversion mode, wait for the break mode. The design of the battery, just select the conversion mode can be normal, and three types of A / D conversion mode is available to use the touch screen.
Battery voltage sampling algorithm and error correction algorithm
According to battery voltage, the load between the ideas of error correction algorithm to design the following algorithm: first define a structure that contains the value of ADC and its participation in the value of the variable, this benefit is for the convenience of the samples to the value of the ADC, based on three sectors of the waiting line, made the proportion of remaining capacity. Dell Vostro 1500 Dell Vostro 1520 Battery
Then, the basis of ADC values and the value of the fold line corresponding percentage. Can be based on the discharge of the battery of tests and actual experience are specific requirements for the project must be modified.
Finally, the battery voltage, the load between the error correction algorithms designed to implement the algorithm.
Windows CE 3.4 DP layer to achieve an instance of the function of battery status
What follows is mainly for Windows CE functional layer LFP battery status has been achieved, but specific details of the implementation of the project requirements should be reviewed and improved. Dell Vostro 1310 Dell Vostro 1320 Battery
Summary and outlook
I can design hardware and software architecture of the cells are independent of the specific development platform can be easily ported to various platforms. The combination of Windows CE and features a Samsung S3C2443 processor to show the architecture of an application of the battery-pilot. Innovation is proposing the use of sub-sampling technique to change the battery voltage and power nonlinearity is proposed and analyzed a software platform for independent battery and hardware architecture. The design was based on the Windows CE operating system can be performed on actual project development and approval, and obtained good results.