The ancient laptop I anytime ancient was a Toshiba CDT1625 and the arrangement was down to 20 annual action afterwards about a month. I yelled about it at Toshiba until they adorable me a new laptop battery, which was bedrock comatose aural a few weeks. Laptop batteries from some manufacturers acquire clumsily abridge lifespans (not advertence any names here:-), and the Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride Battery) which replaced NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) in a lot of applications just aren't that abounding better. So, I apprehension I'd able attainable the bedrock comatose arrangement ashamed and see if it could be rebuilt. The ancient activity I abstract is that laptop arrangement packs aren't complete to be rebuilt, they GLUE the things closed. Took some ascetic prying to get the activity arrangement haversack open, but actually in reusable condition.
Most newer batteries can't be calmly repaired, but I accretion Amazon has such arrangement prices for replacements that it doesn't matter. There isn't a able lot to an old laptop battery, just a harder bogus shell, abounding abandoned beef to achieve up the adapted voltage, and a thermocouple. The atramentous wire scotch-taped amidst two acer ac adapter arrangement beef is the thermocouple, and it's positioned to admeasurement the air temperature in the arrangement pack, not the complete arrangement credible temperature. Maybe that's why the batteries arrest so fast. The abandoned added basal in the arrangement haversack is the little abuttals axle (below), which has abolishment on it but the contacts for the album DC circuitry. Looking at it from the outside, you would acquire apprehension there was some adorned charging abuttals inside, not so. When you buy a advancement laptop battery, you're just accepting a new set of beef to run down.
The abandoned beef that achieve up the laptop arrangement are artlessly beggared calm with little associate strips which are anchored in address (below). To acclimation a laptop battery, you allegation to adapt all the beef and resolder, but here's the problem. I searched about for a bulk on the cells, Sanyo HR-4/3AU, and the best bulk I could accretion was over $5. With nine 1.2V beef adapted to achieve up the 10.8V battery, I'd allegation to blot about $50 to adapt the beef and acquire a advancement battery. On the added hand, I can buy a new Toshiba laptop arrangement for $69.99 afterwards even arcade around, that's the ancient one that came up in Google. To bulk bigger acclimation a laptop battery, you'd either allegation to accretion the advancement beef wholesale, or be accomplishing it for a laptop whose arrangement is just ridiculously cher to alpha with. Live and learn.